Moscow is famous for its unrestrained and unlimited nightlife – at least this is what my city guide told me. Therefore, I was really excited to go out for the first time with some friends in the inner city. First of all, however, I had to tell my host family that I will be away over night and asked them not to lock the bar of the door of the flat. Because in that case it’s impossible to open the door from outside. I also told them that I won’t come home before 7 o’clock in the morning, because the first Metros are driving at 6 o’clock in the morning. I really can’t understand why huge cities like New York, London, Tokyo, Moscow and so on do not have a Metro which drives non stop. At least every hour at night would be fine.
Anyway, I met my friends at a Metro station in the inner city, but they all had to wait for me because I couldn’t find them, because there were two platforms and I was waiting on one of the platforms while the others stood at the other platform. Problematically, my mobile phone isn’t working properly. When I call someone or someone calls me, I can hear him or her, but he or she can’t hear me. Therefore, it took us some time to find each other. We didn’t directly go to the club but walked around a bit to find some place to drink and to eat. But we only found a small kiosk where we bought some bear and chocolate cookies. Some drunk guy came to us and told us his life story and something about his wife. But I didn’t really listen and we were all soon really annoyed.
At 1 o’clock we went to the club Propaganda. We were 6 people (3 girls, 3 boys). One girl, which had been in Sankt Petersburg the last year told us that doormen don’t like it when you go to a club in a big group. Therefore, we went to the club in pairs. Oh, I forgot to mention that every club has doormen, who are usually really strict on the looks. So one should always be dressed fancily - meaning leather shoes for men and high heels for women. Our club, however, wasn’t such a strict high fashion club, and the entrance was for free. We were dancing for some hours, until we thought that we might go to another club, which wasn’t too far away. However, the doormen at this new club noticed that we were a group and didn’t let us in. It was the first time ever that I wasn’t allowed into a club. Then a strange old man approached us and told us that he knows a great club nearby where we can come in without problems. So we walked for 20 minutes to the next club. BUT they didn’t let us in. This man told us that he knows still another club. This time we had to walk even longer to discover that we weren’t allowed entrance to the club another time. Pretty disappointed we went back to Propaganda until the first Metro drove. A friend of mine and I went to a little bar close by to eat something. At 6 o’clock we all drove back home. The door to the flat wasn’t locked with the bar so I was able to lay in bed at 7’clock.
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