I spent the last weekend practically eating, drinking, and talking all the time. I also had the possibility to listen to a concert and of course celebrate German Unification Day. The best thing about it - everything was for free. My friends and I started our festivities at the German culture and education institute Goete, which invited all Germans and people who study German to their central office. After some introductiory words and quiz games, it was time to eat. I had hoped for a buffet, but it turned out that the institute had organised waitresses which walk around with food and drinks. This however, wasn’t really the best idea, because everybody was hungry and the waitresses were chased by the masses and the trays were already emptied after seconds. Therefore, I also had to punch myself through the masses to snatch at least bites from the different kinds of food and beverages. Later on the German band Anajo from Augsburg played a conert in a big festival tent outside in the garden. The concert was really good and we all had a lot of fun.
The next day was a little more formal, because all German citizens were invited to the German embassy. It took us ages to walk to the embassy, because it is located between two metro stations and we didn’t know that it would take us 45 minutes. But we arrived and we were allowed into the embassy after we had shown our passports and passed the security check. Luckily, I had worn my Action Reconiliation for Peace T-Shirt. This way some people approached us and talked about our projects. Overall, the evening in the embassy wasn’t as good as the one in the Goete Institute, but the food was slightly better which is of course very important.
Thanks to you all I and my friend had good time:) Evening was much better:)))Anna